Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Adonis Golden Ratio Review - Is Adonis Golden Ratio Scam?

What Is The Adonis Golden Ratio?

The Magical Ratio Determined By Two Key Measurements

Adonis Golden Ratio review. You may have been surfing the web for an honest review of Adonis Golden Ratio. You may ask yourself: does it work? Does it help get lean and muscular? Is it a good fitness program by a reputable author? You might be asking yourself whether it is the best program of its type on the market on lean muscle and fat loss, or whether it actually works. Keep reading.
This program is the result of 10 years of testing and studying by John Barban, a fitness expert with a degree from the University of Florida who turned his own bad genetics around by transforming his own body and those of 1000's other people in the same shoes from a pear shaped one to an Adonis, athletic one with very low body fat and lean muscles.
He also happens to be buddy with world renowned fitness expert Kyle Leon who introduces him in his own presentation video in the official website. The foundations of John Barban's system are unusual for these kind of programs in that instead of starting with the expected low body fat to muscle mass ratio for an attractive and functional physique, which holds true for him too anyway, it tackles the issue from a different perspective and in a more radical, yet simpler way.
John Barban approach is more psychological, at least to start with. He found out that people have only few seconds to make the first all important impression, including male to male, female to female and male to female situations. The visual impression your persona exudes is instantly perceived and held thereafter no matter what.
He then noticed that the great classical examples of physical beauty, athleticism and strength from the ancient Greek and Latin art and from Adonis himself all the way up to Michelangelo's David were timeless and still highly regarded by the general public, regardless of temporary fads like modern bodybuilding, and people still considered more attractive and fit a modern day Brad Pitt in “Fight Club” or Daniel Craig as James Bond than beef cake Arnold Schwarzenegger.

What Is The Adonis Golden Ratio?

What Makes A Lean And Muscular Body Instinctively Appealing?

John came to the conclusion that the single most important factor in both men and women instant judgement of a man physique is the ratio between the shoulders and the waist. The Adonis Golden Ratio is an ideal proportion between the measurement of shoulder circumference by the waist circumference. It goes without saying that an optimal Adonis Golden Ratio also implies low body fat and lean muscle mass, surprise surprise, more muscle in the shoulders and less blubber in the waist. All the rest of the body counts too, of course, but shoulders and waist are the most important factors.
The program is devised to have your shoulders and waist measures taken first as a starting point to calculate your workouts, your diet regime and your caloric intake thereafter, together with weight, height and age thrown into the mix. John Barban calls your initial shoulder to wait ratio the Adonis Index before it can be called Adonis Golden Ratio once you reach the targeted ideal measures determined by low body fat and lean muscle composition.
Apparently, according to John, anyone with any body shape can get a marked improvement of his shoulder to wait ratio, from puffy guys to skinny guys with a pot belly, to already muscular guys with excessive ab fat to get rid of. In truth, this is testified by tons of testimonials with before and after pictures.
However, even though the basic fitness requirements of Adonis Golden Ratio are the usual low fat, lean muscle mass, proper diet and workouts mantra of all these kind of programs, John Barban's Adonis Golden Ratio workout advocates a cup to muscle building in order to prevent “uncontrolled” muscle growth to monster bodybuilding proportions as we are used to see in muscle mags.
These over built, over muscular body types are NOT what the majority of women and men like, they do not provide the most athletic and effective performance and go 30, 40, 50 lb of muscle overboard, well beyond the ideal Golden Ratio of physical attractiveness and athleticism.
I was surprised, though, that John discourages the implementation of dead lifts and weighted crunches as these exercises, according to him, promote waist expansion. Now, don't get me wrong, there are other valuable resistance strategies to promote lean muscle building and fat loss without increasing waist size, but the dead lift, or the squat, have always been regarded as the kings of exercises not just for overall muscle building, but to activate metabolism, hence fat burning, hence a small waist.
I can't see how these exercises could have a negative impact on achieving a small waist to shoulder ratio, even though they can be effectively substituted as proven by all happy customers and even though this side note nothing diminishes on the idea of having good shoulder to wait proportions with low fat and lean muscle without been overloaded with beef like a bull on steroids. Carry on.

Does The Adonis Golden Ratio Work?

What's In John Barban's Adonis Program?

The Adonis Golden Ratio starting point is the shoulder and waist measurement. The program tells you how to measure accurately these two key body parts. You then have to decide whether you want to lose fat only (if you already have adequate muscle mass but need to lose fat) , build muscle only (in case you already have a low ab fat but need to build more muscle) or lose fat while also building muscle (very common).
You then input these measures into the nutrition software provided called Adonis Golden Ration Nutrition Software. Aside shoulders and waist, you also have to include your height, your weight and your age. The software gives you a blueprint of how many calories you need by the day or the week, depending on your choice, and your ideal Golden Ratio with all the target measures for you to achieve at the end of the program.
The program itself is based on a 12 week period and the workouts differ whether you need to lose fat, build muscle or lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. For example, if you need to lose fat only, the workouts are structured as circuit training for 3 to 4 times a week at most, they involve 3 groups of 3 sets each with 1 minute rest between sets but 3 minute rest between each group.
For gaining lean muscle though, the exercises are performed straight with rest between sets, no circuit training to give muscles more time to recover and lift heavier. All exercises are well illustrated in the online video coaching library to explain visually what words cannot describe.
Both the nutritional and the training information are provided by two separate PDF format manuals, one called The Adonis Golden Ratio Nutrition Guide, the other The Adonis Golden Ratio Training System, both instantly downloadable. While the training and nutrition come as manuals to read, the nutrition software and the workout video coaching are accessible online once you become a member.
However, membership also entitles you to access to the AGR online community, a social community where participants are free to give and receive encouragement and suggestions. There are several fitness experts/moderators including John Barban in person to answer any query on fat loss, muscle building and diet.
The online community may be the best part of the program because it gives an extra psychological boost to achieve your desired target, it helps you keep focused and motivated, whereas alone you may be tempted to be slacking off.
John Barban also reckons that all supplements, except very few, are a colossal waste of money. Those very few that work to some extent and may be worth the money, though not compulsory, are collected in a Supplementation Guide that is the result of years of experience in the fitness industry and presumably tons of money thrown to the wind. Very useful guide to keep your wallet full and heavy and to avoid disappointments, even though going supplement free is even better.
Additionally, the program offers 3 extra bonuses:
  1. One is the Abs and Arms Assault by John Barban. The reasoning is that while wide shoulders and slim waists are the kings of physical attractiveness metrics, apparently research has shown that arms and six packs are the queens, as they play an important role in instant visual impression.
  2. The second one is the life unlimited upgrade. Should new effective techniques and ideas come to play into the program, these will be offered for free to current members. This is good.
  3. The third bonus is called '7 Days Out” by Kyle Leon. It is a 1 week blueprint to allegedly look 10 to 15 pound leaner AND 10 to 15 pound more muscular, showcasing tricks like “skin tightening water manipulation” designed to achieve a ripped look, another one showing how to get “skin popping veins”, one more telling you how and when to strategically use carbo allegedly to look like you packed up “10 to 15 pound of muscles” and lost the same amount on fat overnight. This is a bit over the top in my book.
In fact, while the first two bonuses make sense and have a purpose, the last one seems to me far fetched and thrown there just to entice you in. Most people would gladly do without skin tightening water tricks or bulging veins and come on, who can believe that you can “look like” (not be, bust just look like) you packed up 10 lb of muscle and lost 10 of fat overnight just by cleverly using carbo. If it sounds too good to be true..... you know the rest!

Adonis Golden Ratio Program In Details

PDF Manuals – Video Coaching – Software - Online Community - Bonuses

Here is a summary of the main program contents:
  1. The Adonis Golden Ratio Nutrition Guide PDF Manual with all the information of which foods to eat, which ones to avoid and healthy nutrition in general.
  2. The complementary Adonis Golden Ratio Nutrition Online Software to calculate daily or weekly intake, your actual Golden Index and your expected personal Golden Ratio at the end of the program.
  3. The Adonis Golden Ratio Training System PDF guide with all the information on resistance training, depending whether you need to lose fat and build muscle, lose fat only, or build muscle only.
  4. The complementary Online Video Coaching Library you can access to once a member, no need for shipping. Very useful to show what words and pictures cannot.
  5. The Online Community for members to keep focused, share experiences and encourage one another under the guidance of several fitness experts including the same John Barban.
  6. The Supplementation guide. This is a restrictive guide to only very few optional supplements. John Barban recons the vast majority of supplements are a waste of money precisely because he worked in the industry and knows it inside out. Only very few selected items may be used as complementary to the nutrition and workouts, though they are not mandatory.
The bonuses:
  1. The Arms and Abs assault: this is useful to concentrate your focus on these other important body parts aside from shoulders and waist.
  2. The unlimited (lifetime) free upgrades to existing members should the program evolve and include new information. This bonus is very useful.
  3. The “7 Days Out” allegedly teaching you overboard techniques on how to look like 10 to 15 lb of muscle heavier and 10 to 15 lb of fat lighter in a week with ski tightening and vein popping tricks, or even overnight by strategically using carbo. This last bonus is hard to buy even if it is a free bonus and I would not even consider it in the overall picture and judgement of the program. You can do very well do without it.

The pros:
  1. Very thorough program: it is made up by informational manuals, video coaching, software calculators, online community and what not.
  2. Tried and tested: there are 1000's of testimonials with impressive before and after pictures, sometimes it is difficult to believe it is the same person, but it is.
  3. Instant access to the online tools and manual downloads, no need for shipping and waiting.
  4. Knowledgeable and respected author with academic credentials. He himself has successfully implemented his program first on himself and then on 1000's of others.
  5. The online community is a very valuable tool to keep oneself motivated and on track.
  6. The program advocates a healthy lean muscle build with an attractive shoulders to waist ratio (the Adonis Ratio) in a fit package, not an overly muscular, pro bodybuilder like appearance.
  7. Works for all body types: whether fat, slim or muscular, the apparent results are still the same, lean, ripped and with a better shoulders to waist ratio (hence healthier and more attractive).
  8. Flexible program: the workouts vary depending whether you need to add lean muscle only, lose fat only, or build muscle and lose fat together (more common).
The Cons:
  1. The program offers a Supplementation Guide. This could be either go as a pro as much as a con. While it helps recognize which supplements are a waste of money (the wast majority) and save your cash for the very few that deserve it, it also implies that some supplement assistance is ok. My 2 cents is that even though they are ok, natural supplements and not drugs, they are still supplements and could be do without anyway by taking your nutrients all from natural foods and save even more money.
  2. Of the 3 bonuses on offer, 2 are good, namely the “Ab and Arms Assault” and the “lifetime free updates”. But the 3rd, the”7 Days Out” is way overboard in its claims for the reasons I explained above and not worth the attention, I really do not understand why it's been offered in the program as a bonus . Still, it is free and won't harm your wallet. 

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